The beauty in the helping relationship - Be Beauty Biennale


La bellezza nella relazione d'aiuto is the event that took place with great participation at the RacMet Academy, on the occasion of the Be Beauty Biennale, the beauty festival organized by the Municipality of Marcaria together with the ArteMassaggio di Pilastro School.
Carlo Alberto Malatesta - Major of Marcaria
It is with pleasure that this year begins in full with a unique initiative: the Biennale Be Beauty. The theme of beauty promoted in our municipality. The theme of Beauty passes through the care of people, therefore appearing, but not only. Indeed, it is not only what we have seen today, in an event that was promoted at Raccorderie Metalliche but it is also based on the interpretation that is helping people, interacting with people even in difficult times. So we can really understand how beauty is a volatile but important theme.
Pier Luigi Ceccardi - President of Raccorderie Metalliche
When the Municipality of Marcaria asks us for something, we are very happy to take part in their initiatives to prove our presence and our attachment to the territory, but above all because our employees, for the most part, belong to this community.
Massimo Busani – Breast unit Manager at Ospedale Carlo Poma
La chirurgia della mammella è molto cambiata nel corso degli anni. Siamo passati da un'attenzione in modo prevalente alla malattia all'attenzione invece della persona che ha una malattia, nel curare quindi l'aspetto psicofisico di questa di questa malattia occupandoci sia dell'aspetto fisico, con un miglioramento di tecniche chirurgiche che è stato progressivo in questi anni, ma cercando di migliorare in modo anche importante l'aspetto della qualità della vita di queste persone.
Si è visto appunto che poter reinserire la donna all'interno della propria famiglia, del proprio posto di lavoro, e comunque all'interno della comunità, dà dei risultati notevoli anche sul piano della cura stessa della malattia. Quindi c'è stato un lavoro molto importante da parte della Comunità scientifica nei confronti non solo dell'aspetto tecnico, ma soprattutto dell'aspetto psicologico e relazionale della donna.

Paola Aleotti Psyco-oncologist at Istituto Oncologico di Mantova
L'ascolto è di fondamentale importanza per le persone che hanno subito un trauma appunto relativo ad una diagnosi di malattia oncologica e l'ascolto, attivo soprattutto, che non è soltanto quello che riguarda il raccogliere ciò che le persone ci dicono, ma anche insieme restituire una modalità elaborata della sofferenza che la persona ha ci ha comunicato.
Francesco Agostini Cardio-Surgeon scientific representative
The experience we had within Raccorderie Metalliche con Cuore Amico unknowingly developed a new operating model in the area through a joint venture between the production world, occupational medicine and the third sector that we represent with Cuore Amico. This is really a very interesting answer to suggest discussion on prevention and early diagnosis in our territory.
Massimo Passani – Chairman of Siglacom
There are many sensitivities. We heard many professionals talk about it, but above all we heard how you have to put men back and especially in this case women at the centre.
So thank you so much for the invitation. We are always very happy to take part as partners in events like these.

Raffaella Gazzoni – Owner of the School ArteMassaggio
Today we talked about the "breast wellness" project, which is a voluntary service provided on behalf of the IOM - Istituto Oncologico Mantovano.
We are a group of beauticians who provide aesthetic advice and short massage sessions to people who are going through invasive care processes.
This event is part of a Biennale called Beauty Biennale, which aims to convey the idea that the search for Beauty must be done by virtue of finding one's own balance.

Laura Tosi - Project Manager Siglacom
It is with great pleasure that today we took part in this event hosted by Raccorderie Metalliche dedicated to the theme of beauty. Beauty at 360°, therefore, not only external beauty, but rather beauty linked to the physical, social, and psychological well-being of people. We took part with pleasure because we are extremely close to these problems. Siglacom always placed people at the centre of its corporate philosophy and strategies. So it was a pleasure to take part in the event and we are proud that we are able to contribute in some way to the knowledge of this theme and these important values.
Antonella Ceccardi - Head of International Procurement Raccorderie Metalliche
Today we hosted an event organized by the Municipality of Marcaria at our Academy. I must say that it was a really exciting event, where these witnesses really touched us. It was a unique experience. We also found some ideas to develop in our other events organised within out Academy, perhaps also during the RacMet Ladies event that we will soon hold with the new year, and which is repeated every year, in such a way as to bring more and more people to know these extremely rich experiences.
Siglacom - Internet Partner