Ethics & GovernanceValues we refer to, in order to achieve our objectives.

Ethics & Governance

Ethics & Governance

Code of Ethics

We take full professional responsibility by following ethical and social reference standards.

Raccorderie Metalliche has adopted the “ORGANIZATION, MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEM” according to former Decree Law No. 231 of 8th June 2001. The Decree Law No. 231/2001 for the first time introduces the concept of association’s ‘administrative’ (but substantially criminal) responsibility concept into our regulation, in case of crimes committed to the associations advantage’s by administrators, “ senior management", employees or aides.
Download 231 Model

Integrated policy

Since 1970, Raccorderie Metalliche S.p.A. committed in manufacturing carbon steel and stainless-steel pieces for the water, heating and healthcare industry. The company adopts an integrated management system for the protection of the environment in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard, for the continuous improvement of energy performance in accordance with the UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018 standard and for the protection of safety and health in the workplace in accordance with the UNI ISO 45001:2018 standard. 

The field of application of the IMS in progress at Raccorderie Metalliche refers to:
"Production (through the phases of cutting, deformation and threading) and sale of metal fittings, welding, threaded, pressfitting; collars and fixing systems for pipes and radiators. Sales of valves, complementary products/accessories for hydro-heat sanitary applications, in accordance with national/international regulations, specifications supplied by the customer and consolidated internal specifications".
This IMS, , drafted in compliance with the requirements of the international standard UNI EN ISO 14001, UNI CEI EN ISO 50001 and UNI ISO 45001, applies to all activities carried out by Raccorderie Metalliche S.p.A. and more precisely in the implementation of processes, adoption of practices, use of materials, tools or products with methods to prevent, reduce or control accidents and occupational diseases, to protect the health and safety of operators and to avoid energy inefficiencies and negative impacts to the environment as well as to implement actions to improve energy performance.

The company management officially undertakes to:
  • maintain the conformity to all laws and regulations and also other requirements the organization decides from time to time to subscribe;
  • protect the environment, through actions to prevent and reduce the impact on the environment and  pollution wherever possible by eliminating risks and activating improvement programmes on energy, air emissions and waste management issues;
  • maintain safe and healthy working conditions, preventing injuries and diseases related to work and emergency management;
  • remove hazards and reduce significant risks to the working environment and to the health and safety of operators;
  • manage in an energy efficient manner establishments and activities for the design and supply of products and services and a deep commitment to consider and limit any harmful effect of its activity on the environment and human being;
  • consult and involve workers in the planning, implementation and evaluation of environmental, energy, health and safety improvement actions;
  • keep constantly improving your Management System in order to improve your energy and environmental performance while keeping them at a level corresponding to the economically convenient application of the best available technology, as well as preventing professional accidents and diseases;
  • provide human, technological and financial resources to improve their energy performance and to protect the common environmental equity and health and safety at work;
  • verify the context in which it operates in order to identify internal and external factors that may affect the achievement of the set objectives and in order to meet the expectations  or requirements of the involved parts;
  • determine and address risks and opportunities that may affect product compliance or environmental, energy and health and safety performance;
  • communicate the present policy to all the resources operating within the organisation or in its name or behalf, making it documented, implemented, and  compliant with;
  • make available to the wider public the present document, spreading it out to all the people working for the organisation, as to make them aware of their individual obligations in terms of environment, energy, health, safety and security on the workplace.
  • Face the climate change with the enforcement of specific measures in terms of mitigation and adaptation

The continuous growth of the management system must be pursued through the regular review of the IMS, aimed at monitoring the established objectives and recognizing any areas for improvement, as well as ensuring its continuous correspondence and adequacy to the organization and its context.
Raccorderie Metalliche S.p.A. is certain that the adoption and maintenance of an Integrated Safety, Environment and Energy Management System is a fundamental requirement to ensure its customers a high quality service, and to continue to improve its commitment to ensure health and safety at work, as well as its relationship with the environment and with the territory in which the company is located.
These criteria form the frame of reference to define Organization’s objectives and targets in line with its business strategic directions.
Download integrated policy



Through the reporting system it is possible for employees and third parties to report violations relating to non-compliance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct, the Organisation Model, the company procedures adopted by Raccorderie Metalliche S.p.A. and more in general conduct, acts or omissions that harm the public interest or the integrity of public administrations and private entities and that consist of violations of national and European criminal, civil, accounting and administrative regulations. The method of reporting is in a non-anonymous form, as it makes it easier to check the facts and the possible collection of additional information. The system adopted meets the requirements of Legislative Decree no. 24 of 10 March 2023 "Implementation of Directive (EU) 219/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23/10/2019, concerning the protection of people who report violations of national regulatory inspections (OJ no. 63 of 15/03/2023).

What to communicate 

Some non-exhaustive examples of possible reporting include:
  •     situations of conflict of interest considered not known by the company;
  •     acts of corruption of third parties towards employees or by the latter towards third parties;
  •     fraud;
  •     improper use of company assets;
  •     intentional communication of false information to Public Administrations;
  •     ……

Vague, unsubstantiated reports will not be considered, or that are evidently made in bad faith or have slanderous or defamatory content. Any reports not pertaining to the Supervisory Board (SB) will be forwarded to the competent functions.

How to communicate

Raccorderie Metalliche provided for the use of a reporting channel through the Online Platform: the sending through the platform can take place with registration.  The channel is suitable to ensure the confidentiality of the sources and information it receives, without prejudice to legal obligations

Use the "Whistleblowing" button to access the platform.



The channel is suitable to ensure the confidentiality of the sources and information it receives, without prejudice to legal obligations.

In addition, Raccorderie Metalliche will not carry out retaliatory actions (disciplinary sanctions, demotion, suspension, dismissal) or discriminate in any way in the workplace against company personnel who have carried out in good faith actions aimed at reporting events or situations related to compliance with the law in its broadest sense.
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