The products

5 different types of products
to entirely comply with any installation requirement.

RacMet Lab Presentation, LAB

On the other hand, the most technical aspects, more related to the product, are reported, keeping our core business focus, our pressing systems. This space is represented by a series of niches, boxes dressed in graphics and a specific setting to explain the various applications with our pressing systems. It was designed to create real settings, similar to [...]

Pressfitting systems for Gas Distribution Installations, LAB

Raccorderie Metalliche produces 4 types of ranges with both materials: - inoxPRES gas in 316L stainless steel with M profile - inoxPRES uniko gas in AISI316L steel with a profile compatible with both M and V jaws - aesPRES copper gas with M profile - aesPRES uniko gas with a profile compatible with both M and V jaws All these systems include fittings allowing easy coupling [...]

Action! inoxPRES installed in film studios in Germany!, Our stories

The installation of the systems had to take place on a flat roof and in particularly small spaces, this made it impossible to perform any type of welding. ...   In fact, the installation of the 168 to be welded takes about 45 minutes against the 2 minutes and 21 seconds that the same measure needs for the assembly to be pressed. inoxPRES is particularly [...]

Raccorderie Metalliche and compressed air plants

The press systems are indicated only for industrial applications while medical purposes are excluded. The choice and the implementation of the piping type or system, depending on the type of application is responsibility of the planner/installer. ... According to the type of plant, the fittings can be fitted to two different [...]

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