The products

5 different types of products
to entirely comply with any installation requirement.

Who we are, italian company leader in production of pressfittings

The Commercial department intends to consolidate the past results, mainly in Italy but abroad as well.

RacMet Exclusive, Events and News, Raccorderie Metalliche

There is an engaging atmosphere, you breathe international air, the guests are over 150 from all over the world and it is an opportunity to recall the different stages of our growth, while celebrating the past, live and share the present and plan the future together.

Our RacMet Day, Events and News, Raccorderie Metalliche

  Many of them, engaged in the company's production departments, saw the Academy grow only from the outside, seeing the structure rise rapidly over the last year until it was completed just in the past few days.

A New Academy

The realization of this school, of this Academy, on 1500 square meters, is an investment in culture, an investment in the know-how of our past, present and future.

      Siglacom - Internet Partner