RacMet Academy in the magazine "Civiltà del lavoro" 


RacMet Academy in the magazine "Civiltà del lavoro" 
We are proud to announce that in issue 3/2024 of the magazine Civiltà del Lavoro (May, June, and July editions), within the section dedicated to "Le Academy dei Cavalieri del Lavoro", an in-depth study was published on the RacMet Academy.

The journey through the companies' Academies of the Knights of Labour continues with the Academy of Raccorderie Metalliche, with a particular focus on an increasingly central theme: lifelong learning. 

Today training acquired only once is no longer enough. Knowledge and skills must be constantly updated, and company academies become fundamental to face this challenge. Entrepreneurs are well aware of how crucial human capital is, and in this issue of the magazine each entrepreneur appointed Cavaliere del Lavoro, presents his own Academy, as did Pierluigi Ceccardi, who told the RacMet Academy.
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