Raccorderie Metalliche supports Symbola Foundation Summer Seminar 2024


Raccorderie Metalliche supports Symbola Foundation Summer Seminar 2024
Raccorderie Metalliche informs with pleasure that it will a sponsor and supporter for the second year in a row of the Symbola Foundation Summer Seminar (Seminario Estivo della Fondazione Symbola), which will be held in Mantua at the Teatro Scientifico Bibiena from 27 to 29 June 2024.

Symbola is the Foundation that promotes Italian excellence through research, events and projects. It focuses on innovation, development, beauty, creativity, human capital and territory, enhancing green economy, culture and social cohesion.

The 2024 edition, entitled "We are the times - Noi siamo i tempi", recalls the famous phrase of Saint Augustine simply to underline the importance of our cultural, economic and social choices in facing current and future crises.

Last year's success confirmed Mantua as the ideal venue for this event, which sees the participation of entrepreneurs, scientists, intellectuals and representatives of the economy, politics and society. With a rich program of conferences, debates and book presentations, the Summer Seminar will give visibility to numerous realities that promote a sustainable economy and society.

Raccorderie Metalliche is proud to support this initiative which reflects its values and commitment to a better future. The company invite you to take part and contribute to this important event.
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