Raccorderie Metalliche Academy hosts the Italian Army


On 24 May Raccorderie Matalliche had the honour of hosting a visit by the Italian Army at our Academy. 

The meeting was organized following the request of Sergeant Major Vacanti, responsible for the personnel working for the maintenance and restoration of the facilities of the military structure in Verona. 
The main objective of the visit was to form a group of about ten people, all engaged in maintenance activities at the military facility in Verona.

The half-day training was carefully planned to ensure complete and practical learning. 

The training day began with a brief introduction of the course by our Product Manager, who provided an overview of the topics covered. Subsequently, in our SCHOOL, one of our area officers presented in depth the technical aspects relevant to maintenance activities. The session ended in our LAB, where participants had the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired through technical tests, guided once again by our Product Manager. 

We are proud to have had the opportunity to collaborate with the Italian Army, contributing to the training of highly qualified personnel and strengthening the link between our sector and the military. Our Academy is always available to offer quality training and technical support to all professionals in the sector.
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