Schools and businesses: a more and more consolidated relationship.


On May 31, class 3G from Istituto Salesiani San Zeno met our engineers during the company's guided tour to learn more about our press systems.

On May 31, class 3G from Istituto  Salesiani San Zeno met our engineers during the company's guided tour to learn more about our press systems.
An interesting, both theoretical and practical training course, through which all students were able to understand the benefits of our products, especially the pressfitting systems, such as simplicity, speed and safety.
Raccorderie Metalliche has been dealing with schools for several years as we believe it is fundamental to the culture and learning process of students.
During the corporate visit, the students were able to touch a concrete workplace.

The Istituto  Salesiani San Zeno of Via Don Minzoni (Verona) is one of the main training centres in Italy.
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