The products

5 different types of products
to entirely comply with any installation requirement.

How to install the Waste System (Pushfitting), LAB

Lubrificate the inner gasket area by the specially provided, chloride-free RM DRAIN lubricant. Insert the pipe into the fitting - insert the piping inside the relevant seat equipped with gasket.

fittings in carbon steel, production of fittings in carbon stel, Carbon steel

Traditional fitting range in carbon steel Inside the company catalogue, the product range in RED includes:   Threaded fittings compliant with ISO 7/1 and ISO 228 standards, black and galvanized as well Concentric reducers, bottoms, Tees and elbows 90°-180° compliant with DIN / EN standards Forged flat, collar-shaped, threaded and blank Flanges compliant with the EN 1092-1 [...]

Pressfitting systems for Wastewater Installations, LAB

The airtightness of the RM DRAIN joints is guaranteed by the special EPDM rubber gasket, already in in all items.

waste systems manufacture, Waste systems

What is more it is reversible: heating the gasket with a hot air source, it is possible to separate the joint from the pipe.

stainless steel and carbon steel welding and threading joints, Welding and threaded fittings

The products range, identified in RED, includes:   Threaded joints in carbon steel, according to the ISO 7/1 and ISO 228 standards in the black and galvanized version Butt welded carbon steel fittings such as elbows 90°-180° , concentric reducers, caps, Tees made according to the DIN/EN standards Forged carbon steel flanges (flat, collar-shaped, threaded, blank) compliant with [...]

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