Relationships that hurt: when and how to overcome the boundary - Second meeting of the event "Per DIRE di NO"


On November 19, 2024, RacMet ACADEMY hosted the second appointment of the event "Per DIRE di NO," an initiative promoted by Raccorderie Metalliche in collaboration with the Municipality of Marcaria and the Municipal Library "Filippo Martani."
The seminar, under the title "Relazioni che feriscono: quando si supera il confine ", had as its protagonists Lawyer Paola Mari, President of Telefono Rosa Mantova, and Dr. Benedetta Bottura, psychologist and psychotherapist, expert in supporting situations of abuse.
The speakers investigated how apparently normal dynamics within emotional relationships can evolve into distress, elucidating when words, gestures, or behaviours change into forms of psychological or physical violence. Moreover, they gave precious indications on how to spot danger signs and break out of the manipulation and abuse cycle.
The gathering served as a moment of realisation and dialogue, encouraging attendees to ponder the significance of preserving their own welfare and restoring trust through the assistance of experts and relevant programmes.
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