Sustainability at 360°Respect for the environment and attention to people's well-being for a sustainable production

Compaction of waste - attention to the environment

As part of its commitment to protecting and safeguarding the environment, Raccorderie Metalliche invested in the purchase of presses to compact plastic, cardboard and undifferentiated waste.
The company is aiming at reducing direct and indirect environmental impacts, and introducing compaction into the waste cycle goes in this direction.

Why should I use compacting machines?
Because compacting waste and packaging material significantly reduces the number of trips for the transport of material from the warehouse to the landfill where recycling takes place and consequently reduces fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as road traffic.
Recycling is one of the most important actions to reduce resource consumption through the use of end-of-life products, for their transformation into raw materials to be used in production processes. Packaging materials, such as paper, cardboard and plastic, are among the most easily recyclable products as long as they arrive, correctly differentiated, to the appropriate supply chains.
The purchase of compacting machines is therefore an investment of great ecological value, but not only! This investment also has a beneficial economic impact, because the compaction of waste saves space, time, handling and transport costs.
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